Here to show you guy’s the products and the routine for my self tanner! I love taking 1-2 days a week and making this a part of my self care routine! As much as I’d love to just lay outside all day and get a tan, I can’t and don’t do that, so this works just as well! 🙂

Before I break down my routine, I have a code for all of you off of my self tanner, so make sure to grab that at the end!! All products are linked as well!
click the link above to shop the self tan products!

Routine break down!

  1. Exfoliate dead skin/old tan off! I exfoliate my arms, legs and feet before I shave. It’s a step that can’t be missed, as it takes off all of the old tan, dead skin and leaves your skin super smooth and ready to absorb the color!!
  2. SHAVE!– This is a no brainer, but make sure to do it AFTER exfoliating your skin. Within the last few months, I started using the Billie shave subscription and love it! You can choose how often you want shavers delivered based on your shaving needs! And the shave cream smells delicious! lol 🙂
  3. DON’T APPLY LOTION OR OILS AFTER SHOWER– You want your self tanner to be able to absorb really well and set, so the day you’re going to apply it, don’t use any moisturizer or oils after your shower!
  4. Apply self tanner!– Apply it in circular motions, I always start on my legs and arms, and apply the excess to my elbows, feet and face last! I like to aplply it at night, and sleep in it! This product is so nice, we have white bedding and it doesn’t stain or get on our bedding at all!
  5. EVERY OTHER DAY– I apply the Jergens tinted lotion. It helps keep your skin a glowy bronze color, and helps keep up the tan!

Product Break Down!

Exfoliator- St. Ives Apricot scrub, smells amazing and under $6 for a big tub of product! I use this along with the exfoliator body brush and they work amazing together!

Shaver– Billie shaver & shave cream! I am on the bi monthly subscription!

Tanning products- I use the Tanceuticals products! I use the mousse self tanner and the lotion self tanner, all in the ultra dark colors! The lotion is super lightweight, and both products smell amazing! You’ll start seeing color about 30 minutes after applying and the full color within 12 hours! The website is linked below, along with a code to save 10% off of your purchase!!

Use code ‘AL10’ at checkout for 10% off of your purchase!! & As always, don’t forget to tag me if you try it out!!


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