If you are reading this, and you are currently trying, waiting to start trying, or have experienced a loss, know that I am praying for and thinking about all of you on your journey. My inbox is always open for anyone going through it who needs a listening ear.
I have been wanting to document our pregnancy journey through my blog and finally have time to get my thoughts together from my first trimester! We are so excited to welcome Baby #2 in late February/March of 2022!
This sweet baby is our rainbow baby after having an early loss in December of 2020. I’ve always been an early tester while we were on our trying to conceive journey for our second baby, and when we got pregnant with Londyn I also tested early. If you ask my husband, he’d say we own stock in first response and clearblue tests. I had more anxiety this time around testing as with my tests in December I clearly knew something wasn’t right after about a week of positive tests, I watched them fade over the course of a couple of days. Each positive test this time felt exciting, scary, nerve-racking and overwhelming!
I had every intention of surprising Lenny, and held out for a few days, as Father’s Day was that upcoming weekend. I had to go away for a couple nights for work and felt so sick, I ended up spilling the beans early, I just needed that extra support right then. I’m bummed I couldn’t surprise him but showing him our positive test was just as great as any surprise.
My team of OB’S are saints and allowed me to do the HCG blood draws this time around to see if the pregnancy was progressing as it should. I did three draws and each rose appropriately for the week we were in. It was a huge sigh of relief since we knew we couldn’t have a scan still for a few weeks. If you have experienced a loss and your OB doesn’t offer up the HCG blood draws, if you’re feeling anxious, I’d ask them for the quant tests. It helped me mentally a ton. Before we knew it though, it was time to see the little babe at 8 weeks! Baby was measuring a few days ahead and had a beautiful, strong heartbeat of over 170. We were so relieved and so excited to now know baby was growing accordingly and our pregnancy was progressing as it should!
We finally shared the news with family that didn’t know. Symptoms I experienced and still some days experience, major nausea, food aversions, bad headaches, horrible fatigue which could be attributed to also chasing around a toddler, and more, but I wouldn’t trade any of those symptoms for this healthy baby.
We had our nuchal and NIPT scan/bloodwork at 12 weeks to check babies chromosomal health and markers, and all came back healthy, and we found out the gender, BUT we are keeping it a secret this time around. We can’t wait for you all to find out when baby is born! Their name is extra special to Lenny and I, so we are so excited to share that as well!
Our last scan was our anatomy scan at 20 weeks and again all came back healthy, and baby is taking after big sister and measuring ahead so far!! Baby has been kicking a lot more, and Londyn got to feel her first ever tiny kick from her sibling. There is nothing like the feeling of those kicks.
We cannot wait to meet this sweet baby, we are so thankful for so many amazing family members and friends and all of my community on social media being so supportive and already loving our newest babe just as much as we do.
I will be back to update after our 30 week mark! Thanks for reading, and as always, thanks for being here! If you’re not following along on instagram follow me here!